welcome to my life

Thursday, November 09, 2006

13th week- teaching aids..

This week, Pn. Foziah showed us one sample of teaching aid, which is flannel board. I have never seen a flannel board before, or even if I have seen it, I probably did not know its name. Therefore, she showed us a few sample of those.
Flannel board is actually a board covered with a piece of cloth, and teachers normally used that for sticking up pictures or any other things. Teachers can used that when telling a story to the class, and it seems that it is a very useful aids to be used. When I was in maktab, I have been exposed to this kind of teaching aids. This is because I did a lot of lesson plan and it will definitely requires me to prepare the teaching aids that is suitable. It is called non-technological teaching aids.
There are 2 types of teaching aids: technological and non-technological. Technological teaching aids is like e-book, OHP, LCD or computers. In my opinion, teacher should try to have all these kinds of teaching aids during the teaching and learning process, in order to have a variety lesson. This is important so that the pupils will not be bored and to make the lesson more interesting and to have a useful lesson.
I think all the minor assignments that I have done earlier, like e-book and movie maker can be considered as technological teaching aids, and I also think that all those assignments are beneficial for me as I am going to be a teacher. Teachers nowadays should equip themselves with all these kinds of knowledge in order to become a good and dedicated teachers. This is also to ensure that the pupils are well-equipped with today's technology.
I really like the idea of using flannel board in the classroom. It is easy to make, cheaper and very practical for indoors and outdoors lesson. What I enjoy when preparing for the lesson plan is that when preparing the teaching aids. I do not like the part when doing the lesson plan, but I enjoy preparing the teaching aids.
I just hope that I will be well-equipped with all these kinds of teaching aids so that I can be a good and dedicated teacher.


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