welcome to my life

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Last Entry for Blog – PBEY 3102 (Questionnaire)

1. What I like about blogging
- I can still recall back on what I have learned.

2. What I do not like about blogging
- It requires me write a lot. I do not like to write.

3. What have I gained from blogging, eg. Language skills, improved

fluency, critical thinking, improved thought processes etc...
- I can type faster.

4. How
- I have to type all the blog that I need to publish, so automatically I can

type even faster than usual.

5. What I like about the course
- I get to learn how to download songs, pictures and many more stuff.

6. What I do not like about the course
- I have to do a lot of things and I have to use a lot of money just to

complete the assignment.
- The duration of the class is too long (3 hours). It can be boring.

7. What I have learnt from the course
- I learn a lot of things, downloading, making movies, creating on-line

stuff like newspaper, magazines and etc.

8. What I do not expect but have learnt from the course
- The only thing that I do not expect is that this course is the most

expensive course. I also do not expect to learn all those downloading
stuff and also all the animated children’s software and also all the
useful website for children.

9. What I expect but have not learnt from the course.
- I guess I did not expect anything.

10. If I can change anything about the course, state what it is and

- Do not have a 3-hour lesson. It would be bored.
- Not to have an expensive assignment.

14th week- the long awaited moment has come!!!...

The moment has come. The TEST. This is the moment that we have been waiting for, yet it is the moment that I hate the most. I really hate the word TEST and EXAM. For me it is the time to determine whether I will be alive or dead the next day. It is like the end of the world. How I wish that there will be no examinations or test in this whole wide world. I think if I am the Education Minister like Dato' Hishamuddin, I will ban all the examinations and test in Malaysia.
(hurray!!!!) I am sure that all people in Malaysia, who are students and pupils will like that idea.
For this course, I have to read a lot. There are a lot of theories that I should know and all that was being tested in the test.
Actually, that whole week I was burden with tests. I have 4 tests in that week and for this particular test, I really do not have time to read. I have to read for other paper as well and it really makes me want to die. I really hope that these 3 coming semester will end just like that.
I just cannot wait for finish my studies and to change the environment. I really need to have a different kind of environment so that I can go on with my life. I cannot stand if I stuck in this environment for a very longer time.
Lasly, I hope that this course will give me a lot of advantages for me as a future teacher. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Pn. Foziah Mahmood for giving me a lot guidance and support in order for me to complete this course, and also to all my friends, coursemates, classmates and housemates for helping me and giving me the support to go through all the hardship in this course. Thank you.

13th week- teaching aids..

This week, Pn. Foziah showed us one sample of teaching aid, which is flannel board. I have never seen a flannel board before, or even if I have seen it, I probably did not know its name. Therefore, she showed us a few sample of those.
Flannel board is actually a board covered with a piece of cloth, and teachers normally used that for sticking up pictures or any other things. Teachers can used that when telling a story to the class, and it seems that it is a very useful aids to be used. When I was in maktab, I have been exposed to this kind of teaching aids. This is because I did a lot of lesson plan and it will definitely requires me to prepare the teaching aids that is suitable. It is called non-technological teaching aids.
There are 2 types of teaching aids: technological and non-technological. Technological teaching aids is like e-book, OHP, LCD or computers. In my opinion, teacher should try to have all these kinds of teaching aids during the teaching and learning process, in order to have a variety lesson. This is important so that the pupils will not be bored and to make the lesson more interesting and to have a useful lesson.
I think all the minor assignments that I have done earlier, like e-book and movie maker can be considered as technological teaching aids, and I also think that all those assignments are beneficial for me as I am going to be a teacher. Teachers nowadays should equip themselves with all these kinds of knowledge in order to become a good and dedicated teachers. This is also to ensure that the pupils are well-equipped with today's technology.
I really like the idea of using flannel board in the classroom. It is easy to make, cheaper and very practical for indoors and outdoors lesson. What I enjoy when preparing for the lesson plan is that when preparing the teaching aids. I do not like the part when doing the lesson plan, but I enjoy preparing the teaching aids.
I just hope that I will be well-equipped with all these kinds of teaching aids so that I can be a good and dedicated teacher.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

12th week-blogging..

Actually, we have to create another blog like what we did for PKEY 3101. Pn. Foziah wanted us to write or give opinions and reflections on what we have done in this course. The moment I heard the word blog, I suddenly got a headache. I do not really like with all this blogging thing as I really do not like to write, and my writings is not very good.
But, I have no other choices. I have to, and whatever that I wrote here is sincere and I am telling the truth. Therefore, I would like to apologise if there is any of my writings have offended anybody who reads and those who do not read my blogs. I am really sorry. I do not intend to offend anybody. I just write whatever that I feel and whatever that I can think of.
The idea of having this kind of blog is good actually, because when we start our next semester, we will still be able to remember what we have done during our previous semester. So, it will be like something as a refreshment.

11th week- Freddi Fish..animation..software..

This week, Pn. Foziah showed us some of the children's animation software, like Freddi Fish, Sims City and many more. Then she gave us the assignment. We have to evaluate those software based on the criteria given. Another headache. Our previous assignment was to evaluate website, this time we have to evaluate a children's software. What a work!
I do not like this assignment, because I kept repeating saying and explaining the same thing over and over again.
And the best part was my group got the most boring software on earth, which is Kidpix Studio Deluxe. We find that it has got nothing that can get stimulate the children's thinking, as it will only test the children's creativity.
But, the good thing about this week's class was that I got to know what children's software is and how to ensure whether it is suitable or not. Because before this, I have never been exposed to any children's software, so this was a good exposure. Now, I know what kind of software that will be suitable for my future students.

10th week- Suratkhabar baru...Suratkhabar baru...

This week, we were asked to create our own newspaper using crayon.net
When we asked our lecturer, what's inside that, she said, she herself have not explore that. Therefore, she asked us to explore it on our own.
I was very shocked that my group's work was very simple. We did not know how to do that actually, but we did that just by clicking at one button. Very simple, but I was not sure whether we did it the right way or not, because we did not have any other sources and we did not have the exposure of creating our own on-line newspaper.
When I did this assignment, I do not have any feelings about it. I was not sure whether it was difficult or not. Because we just click and it was all done, and at the end of the day, we just print it and send a report to the lecturer.

9th week- lesson plan..lesson plan..lesson plan..

This week we continued with our lesson plan discussion. Not much that we did today. Pn. Foziah just continued with the lecture and the class went well like any other classes.

8th week-back to old times...

When I say, back to old times, it means that now I will go back to my previous lesson, which is preparing lesson plan. I thought that I will not learn about that, but I was wrong. This week, Pn. Foziah gave us new assignment, which was preparing lesson plan. But, the worst part was she wanted us to prepare a lesson plan for a week. A WEEK!!!??? Meaning that we have to prepare 4 lesson plans. It will take hours and hours, and even days just to prepare one lesson plan. This time I do not know how many weeks we need to complete it. And the best part was that she wanted it according to her format, which is totally different from what we have learnt in Maktab.
Assignment that I hate the most is lesson plan. Even when I was in maktab, most of our assignment was to prepare lesson plan. I have had enough of it. Now, I have to do that again. But, this time we were lucky as we were given chances to do this assignment in groups. So, we did not feel very burdened by that. Because we really need to crack our head in order to come out with a good lesson.
I did this assignment with diffferent members, Kak Mahirah, Kak Su, Mohanes and Syaiful. It was fun doing the assignment with them as I can get along well with them. They were all very helpful also. Our discussion will continue next week.

7th week-Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya...

Last week, Pn.Foziah decided to extend the website's due date. It was because she was admitted to the hospital. Poor her! So, Liyana, Kak Mahirah and I decided to go and visit her in the hospital.
She has something wrong with her blood, or what. I also do not know about that. Therefore, this week's class, she was not in. We just continued with our work and assignments.
I do not know what else to write and I think I will stop here.

6th week- website

Website evaluation. We were asked to evaluate a website. This assignment is actually quite hard and difficult as we have to find at least 10 educational websites and we have to evaluate them using the criteria given by the lecturer. There are 4 people in a group and we decided to do 3 websites each, meaning that my group evaluated 12 websites altogether. 12. That was actually a lot of work to do.
But, apart from that, I encoutered many websites that are actually useful, good and suitable for young children, and also suitable for teacher to use in the classroom. This assignment has really opened my eyes on any other materials or resources that can be used inside the classroom, beides using chalk and board and also any other non-technological aids.
When we evaluate all those 12 websites, we tend to repeat the same thing that have been mentioned in other websites. This is because there are several things that most of the websites have, whether in positive or negative aspects.
Then, one thing that I like was that our lecturer decided to extend the due date. What a relief. We really needed that.

5th week- From the editor's table..

Our next task is to create a magazine. Magazine? Yes, a magazine, using Microsoft Publisher. This time we have to do it in groups of 6, Joey, Nurfaizah, Norli, Hafiza, Mahirah and me. We decided to make a health magazine. The first and important thing that I want to say about this assignment is the cost. We have to spend almost RM90 just to print and to compile the magazine. So far, this is the most expensive assignment.
I don't actually like doing this assignment. It is very complicated and really takes a lot of time. We have to sit and do all that as the process is very complicated. We did that separately and the most complicated part was when we wanted to compile it all together. Joey was the one who is responsible for the compiling part and he did it. Congrats Joey!!! I do not know how he got all the patience to do all that. Anyway, thanks to Joey!.
I was not motivated to create any other magazine after that. I do not have the patience. Not like the movie maker assignment. I was really motivated to create another project like my previous assigment. I do not know why. The only thing that I know was this assignment, particularly this course is really testing my patience, and luckily I was able to control it and at the end of the day, I managed to complete all the task.

4th week-lights, camera, action!

This week, we were asssigned to create or make a movie using the movie maker. This time I work with my old partner, Zazali and we decided to make a movie of street fighter. I like it too. So, we did that. I felt quite relief as this assignment is not as complicated as our previous assignment. I just collected all the materials that we wanted to use and put it inside the movie maker. It was quite easy.
Different from the previous assignments, I find this assignment quite interesting. Although this was my first time using the movie maker, it was fun and easy. When we explore things on our own, we tend to memorize and understand it better. It is like one saying, "Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he will eat all his lifetime". Therefore, learning on our own is better, as we will discover many things that we would not normally get if we ask other people to teach us. That is something that I have learned after these past few weeks.
Another thing is that, I felt that now I can create my own movie (chewaah!!!), no lah! I just felt that I can create the same thing again on my own, as it is not that difficult and it is not something that is boring. I get a lot of ideas when Pn. Foziah showed me my friends' work. Some of it was really interesting, creative and fun. The best I think is Seha and Lokman's work. They are really creative and I really felt as if I am watching a real movie.
Well. I think that'a all for now.

3rd week-ebook!!???.....

Mmmm......e-book. What is that? A book? An E? E-book is an interactive book. So, our assignment for this week is, we have to create an e-book. What I do not understand is that, normally before we started to do something that we are not familiar with, we will be first introduced to that. But, not for us. We did not see any sample of e-book or whatsoever. We just do whatever that is being asked.
We learn and explore on ourselves how to create that e-book, how to include song and how to do all the animation. All that we have to configure on our own. But, that's fine, because we managed to do the task. We seek help from a lot of people, our friends, and sometimes we asked other people also. We finally managed to complete it.
Honestly, I do not quite like doing that task. We have to spend a lot of time and for all that hard work, the marks that will be given is only 5 marks. That is something that is not worth it. But, we still able to do that, and it was quite interesting actually. So, that's all that I just can say for now.

2nd week-still in confusion!!!

I actually do not know what to write here, but what I can remember is that she asked us on what we want to learn in this particular course. Some of us said that they want to learn how to downloading, how to create movies, and many more. I did have something that I wish to learn, but I did not have the chance to tell her. I actually wanted to know how to create a moving picture, meaning that from a static picture, I would like to change it to become animation. But, I until this very moment, I still do not know how to do that. Anyway, I do not care much about that though.
Besides that, I do find this course is interesting but at the same time, it sometimes can be very boring and dull. I do not know why, but I tend to feel that way the moment I entered the class. i tried to overcome that, but nothing seems to be working. I still survive that 3-hour class, though. it seems that I do not have anything to write much about as Pn. Foziah only givign us lecture and whatever stuff that I was not sure of. So, I guess, that's it for now. To be continued.........